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Book cover
  • Author: Akina
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • šŸ‘ 40
  • ā­ 7.5

Mosa (25 years) is married to Roni (35 years). According to Mosa, age has nothing to do with maturity. Roni, who is much older than Mosa, can't be independent, and can't take decisions without his mother's intervention. Roni always obeys her mother. What is the next story of Mosa? "Ron, why are you so cold to me?" Mosa asked her husband. They just got married but I don't know what made Roni so cold to Mosa. Roni just died for his wife. Just turned around without saying a word. Netra Mosa is dewy. She wanted to cry but she couldn't. Just yesterday they got married but Roni's cold attitude was so obvious. Mosa asked as if she was not considered a wife. Let alone do the first night just not touch it. Roni went to her mother's house which was not far from their house. Mosa only watched the movements of the man who married her yesterday. Which wife's heart can be treated like that. Mosa thought that marriage would make her life more colorful, having a companion and living together. The afternoon before Roni returned home. He saw Mosa sobbing in his room. "What's wrong with you?" asked Roni as he sat on the bed next to Mosa. "You should have answered my question, Ron. Why are you being cold towards me? Am I not your wife?" Mosa's voice by wiping the tears that were no longer contained. "I married you out of pity. Seeing your broken family," said Roni flatly. Mosa glared at Roni, "Then you treat me like now it will give me happiness. Why don't you just cancel it if you don't love me?" Mosa felt sorry for Roni's answer so cut his heart but she couldn't do much.


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