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Best Romance Novels

The Carrero Series (1-3) Reviews


Olafisoye Florence

Review after half of the novel

Well, I kinda know where this is leading to but I'm still excited to know how it's gonna happen. Jake is probably not the guy he is painted as and she(Emma) is already realizing that. There are some characters that keep popping up and I don't know if they're gonna have a great impact on the series but so far, it's still a very good book and I'm excited and very much anticipating the drama that will ensue between the characters, which I'm sure will be very dramatic😂. Well, all in all it's good book, highly recommended.

April 27, 2024

Jacqueline Colon

Review after the novel completion

All three stories are just wonderful, how they all overcome so much with each other and with every one else in their path how they seem to stick together no matter what, I especially loved the last one how she came from no where to the top of the food chain and how she made him fall in love with her by just being herself now he was an ass most of the time and she didn’t deserve how he was treating her sometimes but I’m glad they over came that and finally married

April 19, 2024


Review after half of the novel

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March 12, 2024


Review after half of the novel

I'm really hoping Em breaks out of her trauma riddled brain and can become the person she is meant to be. This novel definitely has me pinning for the next chapter! I am delirious for this womans interbal monologue. I recommend especially if you enjoy books where he saves her from herself. Granted I'm sure there will plenty of heartache along the way I'm truly rooting for her she is just so annoying about the advancement. Jake seems like every woman's dream, the real hake not the Casanova carrero.

March 6, 2024

Danelle Swanepoel

Review after half of the novel

So far I'm really enjoying this novel. The writing is really good without mistakes or tenses thats doesn't make sense. Just wish the chapters were longer. If the chapters were longer there wouldn't be so much of them. It's definitely going to keep me busy, but thank you for this book. Your writing is really really good.

January 28, 2024