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Luna Ares Reviews



Review after the novel completion

Luna Ares was a great book 📖 to read. It has great characters,an excellent storyline with very good graffics of the scenery that helps you actually imagine it while you're reading the story. This author did a fantastic job in actually making you feel like you were in the story yourself as you're reading it and following along. It's so addicting that it's actually very hard to put down once you start the book. Each chapter just keeps getting better and better and definitely keeps you in suspense. Excellent work Arthur. Thank you for the few grammar and very few spelling mistakes also for it helps to enjoy the reading so much more.

September 19, 2024

Chasidy Goins

Review after the novel completion

I give this book a 9/10 . I loved this book . Especially with the moon goodess being around this whole time . It was also good when she got powers , he got powers as well . I would have liked to see a epilogue of them thinking about becoming the king and queen but I understand they just want a normal life . Still a great book regardless. Imma start reading it over again today lol . Such a good book

June 22, 2024

Helen Thomas

Review after the novel completion

An interesting and intriguing story with strong characters. The details describing the scene allows the reader to imagine that they are actually there making the story a hard one to put down. The plot twists keep the intrigue and imagination ignited until the very end. There are some unexpected moments that bring smiles and laughter if the reader allows themselves to become immersed in the story without judgement. Ending is a little rushed for my liking however it does not detract from the overall novel. I believe that the final chapter will lead to another adventure or at least I can hope

February 11, 2025

Sarah Manj

Review after half of the novel

Great story so far. Interesting to see what lies ahead for the Alpha Jason and Luna Ares. Hopeythey beat the evil Alpha and get rid of Allison along the way. Also wondering if Ares will get more powers along the way. Looking forward to the ending of this story. It’s a rare occurrence where I read the story whole way through and enjoy the story line. The novel is very interesting at first and then it hooks you in.

January 15, 2025

Leeann Nesmith

Review after the novel completion

I love this book so far except it’s supposed to say free but I have had to bye it I love Josh ares Jason luck and Carlton so much the only thing that confuses me is Allison are there tow Allison’s one bad one good because she comes up to a friend and a bad girl so it really does not make sense to me that she is two people or something I really need help with that

January 11, 2025


Review after half of the novel

Exciting to read. I like the relationship between Jason and Ares, he always likes her but she need to learn to trust again after Maverick rejected her for her sister. I am not sure how he figured out anything about her powers to know about the ritual. He wants to just take from her and discard her again Never liked Allison she has a thing for Jason and will do anything to try to get him to be with her. There are some grammical errors so had to reread those sections to understand what was going on.

January 10, 2025

Smrad Zunic

Review after half of the novel

Great novel. I ma just sad that i dont have availblencoins to read it all at onxe soci eead five chapters a day! Therneiscenough secrets, intrigue and of course the mate bond, love. A d always that one crazy chick who has problem with the lead female and cheating exboyfriend. Beta pair is also cute. How will Ares react to her wolf and werewolf community? I hope she will accept it fine. I cant wait to read it to the end 😍

January 4, 2025

Bukola Olumolu

Review after half of the novel

An amazing read so far! I love everything about the story and how the writer puts her words together, I also love how she portrays the female lead (Ares) as strong and powerful which is not typical of most werewolf stories and that the storyline is not like the usual werewolf stories that I have read, you can see that the writer put more thoughts into building her ideas and content and making sure that the characters come to live.

January 2, 2025


Review after the novel completion

Wow, great story. The writer is really creative. I enjoyed every minute spent reading this story. I was not disappointed at any moment because of how interesting the story is. I can proudly recommend the story to any one, any day and anytime. Ares is a very strong lady, even before knowing she was the princess she never let anyone step on, she stood her ground and was proud of who she was. I like the love between Ares and Jason.

January 1, 2025


Review after half of the novel

Good. .

December 28, 2024