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Best Romance Novels

Do You Want to Be My Breeder?

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I once had a dream of finding my mate and living a peaceful life with him. But the ruthless Alpha broke my dream. I thought the Beta was the best man in the world. But it turned out... Lie and truth, how could I tell the difference? It was raining heavily when I got off work, but I had no time to wait for the rain to stop. I had to go back in time, or there would be severe punishment waiting for me. Last time I was less than five minutes late, and I was beaten so badly that I nearly couldn't lie down on the bed for a week. I didn't want to experience it again.


Chantell Badenhorst

Review after half of the novel

Keeps me wanting more. I don't want to stop reading. The author has been very good at this point in time. The plots and the emotions are very good and you can always feel whatever they feel. im eager to know more about the story and where it is going from here. Does she leave or she just a breeder or his mate. Does he marry for money or love. It's so exciting and I can't wait for it to unfold

May 1, 2024

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