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Awakening Series I

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Alora Dennison is an orphaned child from a shamed bloodline surviving in her families old pack. On the dawn of her transition pushing her into adulthood she imprints on the mate she will be bonded to for an eternity, in an unexpected turn of fate. Only he isn't the man of her dreams. He is the only one in the entire state she would never have wanted to bond too. Colton Santo is the arrogant, dominant son of the Alpha from a rival pack which is set to unite the packs and reign in one kingdom. In years gone by his disdain for her and any from her bloodline has been prominent. Her treatment by his pack has pushed her to live in near isolation, fearful for her existence and now before all assembled, on the dawn of her awakening, they all just saw her imprint on their future leader. Fate has decreed it, but everyone around her is about to try and stop it.


Hayley Collins

Review after half of the novel

Love it. Not finished reading yet but enjoying it so far. Only downside is I have to wait for free episodes to unlock cos it's so good I used all my coins😅 I would 100% buy a paper back version of this book. Author please make one, keep up the great work. Maybe make a few sequels too. Definitely recommend the read, draws you in, it's like I'm there watching it all happen. Very rare these days. Thank you

February 12, 2024

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