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Best Romance Novels



Laura Burkey

Review after half of the novel

This novel is great it has it’s ups and downs and downs but the story is good so far. I just wish when watching the adds to get the 7-10 gage free it would lock up and then I find myself having to turn my phone off to get the app to refresh. Then you don’t even get the credit for the add you just watch so you have to take the chance again in hopes it will work right and let you read the next several pages.

May 10, 2024

Leleh Mopalami

Review after half of the novel

Ok, I haveva serious love hate relationship eighths book, on 1 hand I love the plot, the story line and all that jazz, bit then some scenes seem to be rushed and just plain sloppy, again I feel like Sin is not as tough, as ruthless aa we are made to believe in the beginning of the book, also the werewolf telling seems to be lacking a lot if what would be considered some sort of fictional facts as one who reads a lot of such books, anyway, still reading and hopeful

May 6, 2024