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My Husband's Brother is my Lover

  • 👁 3.6K
  • 7.5
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Monique soared to the heavens when Joshua made her his bride. Her love for him brimmed over, so much so that not even the absence of his best man could stop the ceremony. And she even fell in love more with her now husband after the union. What initially appeared to be the prologue of their happily ever after soon changed into a captivating illusion, woven with deceit and falsehood, shattering her once-rosy reality. Now faced with the daunting truth, Monique must grapple with the revelation that the husband she adored is not the man she believed him to be but instead his twin brother…Jacob. What if the lie that she had been living with was the fairytale that she had been wanting all her life? Is love enough to overshadow the web of deception entwining them?


Kimberly Hernandez

Review after the novel completion

It was a very nice novel, I really did enjoy it very much. I felt myself anticipating the next chapters ready to hear what was coming next. I would read a part two or 3 if there was one. I would of loved to read more of her when she had her babies and her life then instead of skipping so much time, but it was still a good novel overall. I would definitely recommend it to others to read.

January 2, 2024

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