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Best Romance Novels



Surf Khan

Review after half of the novel

Omgggg i m soo impressed by your writing skills 👌 👏 and i like blake's character . Amari has her own significance and the tension between these characters uffff mind blowing 🤯 and i got butterfly in stomach each time I read thembdudhd hdhududvdu jdbduududuu euhcuudjeududu hcudjdhuh dhhddhhd hdhdjdhdh udhdhdudh hxhdhdjudb dulu jdjdbdjdb bxhdbdh jxhdbdhhd hhxhdbdhd hdhdheh dhhd djjdh xjbdhd jchdbd jxhdjb hvv hdhdhd jebeheeh jdbehej djjdhe d djebbd fjejeb cjbdbe jfbdhejj dhebebje hdhebeheh

February 25, 2024