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The KING'S Sweetheart

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Thrown out by her step mother, when Victoria was trying hard to find a shelter for herself and her sick little brother.. He appeared, an ugly looking rich man with a life changing contract.. She has to marry him and be his wife and in exchange he will give her a shelter and her brother's medical fee's.. She agreed for the sake of her brother and stepped into his world where lots of unknown dangers were waiting for her!! But, when the truth revealed, he turned out someone beyond her imaginations and her identity changed dramatically!! Yet, he won't not let her go!! Because, they have been vowed to be together till the end.....



Review after half of the novel

Impressive change from where by the man keeps his true identity hidden from his wife he had pure intention about protecting his wife from danger before showing up his real face he took alot of time to show himself and said nothing early about his true self his wife later came to knew that it was the man whom he saved many years ago... It's thrilling and advanterous and making wondering wats next and wat will the girl do since the family ha

April 23, 2024

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