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My EX-husband fell in love with me

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"On our first wedding anniversary, I found out I was pregnant, which I believed was the best gift for my husband, but! I was greeted with a divorce agreement. TODAY last year: ""Did you also have someone in your life you're trying to forget?"" ""Yes."" "" Let's both do our best to have a pleasant and joyful relationship!"" ""Ok."" I lied to him, I fabricated an imaginary ex-boyfriend just so I could marry Johnson. A marriage that begins with a lie is probably not destined to end well. I knew I could marry Johnson because of a bet he had made with his ex-girlfriend. But I didn't understand,I thought he would fall in love with me over time. He's been making love to me every night for a year, so why? I'm leaving with my pride and my precious baby, but why is he suddenly unwilling to sign the divorce papers?"

Chapter 1 End of a Dream

Johnson asked Alexandrine to marry him out of the blue a year ago, confusing the latter with his proposition.

" Will you be willing to marry me and be my wife?" Johnson spoke with his most serious tone ever. Alexandrine stared at him speechlessly before asking, " You're not seriously asking me to marry you, are you?"

Alexandrine was doing her best to keep her emotions under control in front of the man she loved. What was happening in front of her was simply too good to be true. It was known to all that Johnson was deeply in love with his girlfriend, Tina, so why was he suddenly asking for her hand in marriage? Something didn't sit right with the current situation. Those random thoughts were what was going through Alexandrine's mind at the current time.

" Did something happen with your girlfriend?" Alexandrine's question left Johnson in a state of confusion. " Excuse me, but your sudden proposal to me seems kind of shady to me if you get what I mean." Alexandrine tried to put on a smile in front of Johnson.

Unable to hide the situation any longer, Johnson admitted to Alexandrine, " You're right, Alexandrine. Tina dumped me and ever since she did, I feel nothing but frustration." To be totally honest with you, I was hoping you would help me forget her and that's why I proposed to you without thinking, I'm sorry."

Alexandrine grinned slightly at his last statement. Johnson picked up from where he had left off and continued, " Of course, this marriage will only be lasting for a year. In case we happen to fall in love with each other during that time frame, let's stay together, but in case we fail at this, let's go our separate ways and get a divorce. What do you say, Alexandrine?"

Alexandrine was too taken aback by the recent events to react.

" I may sound like a douchebag to you right now, am I not?" Sorry about that!" He stated while feeling embarrassed about the whole thing.

Alexandrine scoffed her head and said to Johnson, " You're not a douchebag at all, Johnson. Don't think like that. Your proposal kind of took me by surprise as no one has ever made me that kind of proposal before."

" Does that mean—------------" Johnson was hopeful.

" You were honest with me and didn't lie to me about your intentions. If there's anything I like about you, it's your honesty." About your proposal, I accept to be your wife with all the conditions attached."

That was how Johnson Santos and Alexandrine Claire's relationship started. For the past year, they were immensely happy together, each day, every second, was pure bliss for Alexandrine. She never imagined she would ever be this happy in her life. But that happiness she was feeling had a name, Johnson.

For the past year, Johnson had kept his promise to her, he had treated her fairly and with immense respect. Alexandrine knew, however, her happiness would soon end.

" What's wrong, Alexandrine?" You seemed troubled." Johnson asked the latter as they were in bed together.

" It's nothing, my love," Alexandrine responded.

A few months passed by and on the day of their first anniversary, Alexandrine got a splendid surprise. She discovered her pregnancy and was delighted by the news.

" Johnson will be happy with the news. I can't wait to see him and tell him about it." I can't wait to see the joyfulness on his face when I announce to him he's going to be a dad."

Meanwhile, at the office, Johnson received an unexpected phone call from someone he wasn't expecting to ever hear back from.

" Hello! Who is this?" Johnson picked up the call and when he heard the person's voice from the other side of the line, he froze.

" It's me, Johnson." The one in the other line was his girlfriend and crush, Tina. The same Tina who gave up on their relationship with such essence, that same Tina was calling him after a year of being apart.

Johnson was silent throughout the conversation. " I heard you got married. Congratulations!"

" Why are you calling me, Tina?" It's been a year and I never thought of hearing from you again, so, what do you want?" Johnson finally dared to ask her.

" I want you." Johnson was stunned by her response. What did she mean by that? That was what Johnson wandered through the phone.

" What do you mean by that?" Johnson asked.

" I've missed you, Johnson, and I want you back." I want to give our relationship another chance." Johnson flinched, unable to say anything.

Three hours after the call, Alexandrine safely arrived at Johnson's company. She was smiling the entire way until she reached his office at last. Upon spotting him seated at his desk, she couldn't resist the urge to kiss him. Moving forward, she kissed him passionately.

" Johnson, I have something important to tell you," Alexandrine muttered as she stopped.

Not listening to a word she was saying, Johnson initiated the kiss this time around, planting hickeys on her neck before moving down below to her collarbone. Alexandrine was petrified by his touch and felt sensuality at the same time. Alexandrine felt tremendously good in his arms and wished for it not to end. An hour after being in each other's embrace, Johnson surprised Alexandrine with some papers.

" What are these papers you're handing me, Johnson?" Alexandrine asked the latter in a state of confusion.

Johnson looked at her confused expression and contemplated her gaze before saying after a while, " Those are divorce papers."

" Divorce papers?"

Alexandrine froze. She thought she heard him wrong and checked the papers she was holding. She was annihilated upon discovering with horror that those papers Johnson handed her were, in fact, divorce papers. She didn't know how to react or what to say.

" Do you remember our deal from a year ago?" Bringing back the past, Alexandrine went down memory lane to the day her life changed. She went back to the day Johnson forwarded his proposal to her out of the blue and remembering the terms of their deal, her heart sank.

" According to the terms of our deal, if I was unable to fall in love with you within a year of our marriage, I would divorce you." As you can see, a year has passed, and my feelings remain the same as a year ago. I'm still very much in love with my ex."

Despite the hurt she was currently feeling, Alexandrine still asked the latter, "Is this about Tina? Did you guys get back together?"

Johnson hesitated before answering, " She called and asked to get back together and I—--------------" Johnson was unable to finish his statement due to Alexandrine's interruption.

" I see, so that's how it is—------" Alexandrine mumbled sadly.

Staring through the divorce papers with deep pain in her eyes, Johnson watched as Alexandrine picked up the pen on the desk and was ready to sign the divorce papers.

" Didn't you have some news to tell me when you came in?" Alexandrine stopped at Jason's question and looked underneath. Her hand trembling and her eyes becoming puffy, she muttered to Johnson, " I wanted to tell you that our wedding anniversary preparation was almost complete. That's what I rushed here to tell you." Her voice was shaking through it all.

After giving Johnson a forwarded response, Alexandrine's attention strolled back to the divorce papers and as she was about to sign them, she stopped once more and looked at her husband. She was searching for a sign to avoid this predicament but thinking at the last minute, she was being selfish by wanting to extend their marriage against her husband's will, she regained her composure and finally signed the divorce papers.

" Here you go—--- With these, you're free to be with whomever you want, Johnson," Alexandrine muttered painfully.

Pretending to be happy about the whole affair, Johnson snatched the divorce papers out of Alexandrine's hand aggressively and muttered coldly, " Well said, Alexandrine. Starting from this day onwards, we don't owe each other anything."

Johnson left the room in anger, leaving Alexandrine to weep out her sorrows and pain. She cried her eyes out until there were no more tears to shed.

Slightly touching her belly, she muttered, " My baby, starting from this day onwards, it'll just be the two of us moving forward. I promise to give you the best education and love you unconditionally."

Chapter 2 Doubts and Confusion

Johnson was walking aimlessly thinking about what had just taken place in his office a while ago. As he tried to understand Alexandrine's thoughts on signing the divorce papers without raising any objections, he was brought back to the past once more. This time around, it was about his past with Tina and how their relationship derives.

" Johnson, why did you suddenly call me out here?" Tina came to Jason's encounter. Johnson called her to come to a park which he decorated himself with attention and care. Tina was too preoccupied with the reason Johnson had suddenly asked to meet that she didn't notice the decorations around the park at all.

" Tina, I called you here today because I have something important to tell you."

Suddenly, Johnson got one knee and extended to Tina what seemed like a tiny little gift box with an ornament ring inside. He was smiling and gesticulating during the whole scene. With happiness and hope in his eyes and heart, he forwarded the famous


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