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Mistaking A Billionaire for a Gigolo

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At her engagement party, her fiancé had betrayed her.She announced she wanted to take revenge on her fiancé. ---------- It’s hot. Why does it feel like I’m burning up? Charlotte Windt felt like she had been aimlessly walking in the desert for a very long time. All she wanted was to quench her thirst. A man’s icy lips covered hers as he devoured her, giving her temporary respite from the heat. She reached out and flung her arms around his neck, sucking his lips greedily. Loud moans and pants soon resounded around the room. Their shadows on the wall opposite overlapped with a burning passion. As the light was dim, Charlotte couldn’t see the man’s face clearly. The only thing that occurred to her was how beastly he was in bed. He savagely took her until dawn. When dawn broke, he left. Charlotte opened her eyes in a daze. She saw a blurry image of a man’s back and the vicious wolf head tattoo on the small of his back. It was a tattoo of a howling wolf with its jaw wide opened, like it was going to devour its prey anytime. She felt her heart racing in fear at the sight of that tattoo.


Josephine B

Review after the novel completion

That seriously can't be the end, I'm disappointed 😔😔 I was looking forward to read the story, what happened to her dad and when will know the children was his and will show still be with at the end. I have so many questions in my head, can I ask something, is this not your story so you couldn't steal it fully, don't get me wrong it's just not adding up, but I hope you have a wonderful day byebye

June 16, 2024

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