Love Slave to the Mafia Boss's Passion Reviews

What sort of an ending was that, no closure or anything. Its bad that you put up with all the bad grammar and spelling mistakes for it to end that way after having spent a fortune to read it then for there to no proper ending it's a disgrace a total rip off and you should be ashamed of yourself. When you take money from the public then rip them off is fraud and is total disgraceful and reportable
January 22, 2025
A bit confusing at times, but still love the book. The dynamic between them is out for this world and I love how she is sweet and innocent, but still with a fire personality. Him, the complete opposite, but still the same as her. They truly are a love match made for each other. And I just adore auntie. So sweet, caring and helpful. Haven’t gotten to far in the story. Very excited to see what happens next with these characters
August 26, 2024