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Best Romance Novels

Forced Affair

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Never in Daniel's wildest dream did he think he would ever be attracted to a simple waitress. The more She refused him, the more he wanted her so badly. As a Billionaire who never took NO for an answer, Daniel was determined to make Beatrice his woman even if it meant destroying her engagement to her so-called lover. As far as Daniel and Beatrice had an Undeniable Attraction for each other, he was determined not to give up on her.


Pamela Tolleson

Review after half of the novel

Well I think he needed his ass kicked for what he did. But on the other hand she was being a bitch to him. He really cares for her and it’s making him do crazy stuff. I hope this story ends happy because I think they need to each other. She just doesn’t see it yet. Who knows what going to happen next maybe they will get together at the wedding. I hope so it such a good story.

April 14, 2024

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