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Best Romance Novels

Claimed by my Brother's Best Friends Reviews


Jessica Walsh

Review after half of the novel

I really like this book for certain reasons. It shows how one relationship can ruin your hole View unlife and relationships and make. You never wanna another and just wanna run and keep running. I've been there. I've experienced that and I have done so. But it also shows how you can pick yourself app and unexpected ways. What is you don't think possible? And also shows that you can open yourself up regardless of the circumstances behind the initial meeting that you can move forward in developing another relationship down the line.

December 15, 2024

Katy Jordaan

Review after half of the novel

O my word...this book is so much more than I have expected...I just think king is to demanding and needs to chill a bit..Niko sounds so sweet but also to afraid of king. He needs to show that he also has feelings...and then there's macson that is to shy and quite that needs to start saying his piece...her brother just needs to minde his own business and leave her to do whatever she wants with who ever she wants...but overall I love this book and hoop to get the ending i have imagined in my head...thanks for this awesome book hoop i fine more like this on this app.

January 17, 2025


Review after the novel completion

Love it.. hopefully a update comes soon..I hope that Christine gets what she deserves.. 💯❤️ I hope gray sees exactly what kind of backstabbing person Christine really is and hope she doesn't get pregnant she doesn't deserve it ... Can't wait to see exactly what happens with the pregnancy of the twins and what their names will be...what is gray going thing about his sister with king,mason and Niko.. I'd he going to flip out or is baby sis going to put him in his place.. can't wait to see what happens next

January 17, 2025

Emilee Payne

Review after half of the novel

I have not been able to put this book down! I keep wanting to know what’s going to happen between the 4 and it’s finally building up to that where I’m at in the book. I wish you didn’t have to watch 3 ads to avoid needing coins, takes too much time lol and I’m not so patient when it is at a good part in the book! King is one creature that I wish I could meet in real life 😍

January 17, 2025

Wendy Mitchell

Review after the novel completion

Oh no Waiting for the next chapters to drop is going to be agony, the story is great but I have my fingers crossed that it doesn't get waffle and drag unnecessarily its to good for that to happen to it, I'm loving it, I'm hoping Christina is excited thetes something not right with her and Logan gets help, Isaac and his family need to meet their end as well. Keep up with the great writing I'm hooked on this book more please.

January 17, 2025

Sabine Kleinlercher

Review after half of the novel

Bis jetzt ist die Geschichte spannend/erregend. Mir fehlt ein bisschen der Hintergrund zu den Charakteren, der MM-twist ist erfrischend, gerade wenn man bedenkt, dass Biker als hart gelten, sind bi-führungspersönlichkeiten sehr sehr selten in Biker Geschichten. Gut finde ich auch, dass darüber geschrieben wird, wie sich häusliche Gewalt auf die Menschen auswirkt, nicht nur auf sich selbst sondern auch ihre restlichen Beziehungen und wie sehr sie davon überzeugt werden, dass sich niemand um sie kümmert. Bin gespannt wie es weiter geht

January 17, 2025


Review after half of the novel

I am blown away by the writing of this author. The suspense of what happens next has me impatiently waiting for the next chapter or more coins 🪙. I hope Alyssa get a stronger backbone and tells them all exactly what she wants from all of them. It's time for her to show them she is no longer a victim, guess I will just have to wait to find out!! King has to wake up and allow her to be herself!!

January 17, 2025


Review after the novel completion

The character development is great. .

January 16, 2025


Review after the novel completion

It's such a funny love story with a good dark twist to it! I really love the chemistry of the characters and their relationships developments! I love how the guys all love on Zuri like she's their own daughter and how oblivious Gray is to all of them dating his sister 😂 I hope we'll get more since the problem isn't quite resolved yet! And I whish Gray's characters gets more development too because he started out as such an annoying character... I hope he gets to be a better brother!

January 16, 2025


Review after half of the novel

Love the the story a b c d e f g h i j k l o m n o p q r s t u v w x y s now you know your abcs next time wont you sing with me lol don’t know what to say the story’s one of my favorite on here can’t wait to see what other good books are on here I started one other I for got the name but it seems god

January 15, 2025