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Accidentally Pregnant For My Billionaire Boss

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Clara's life takes an unimaginably drastic turn when she wakes up next to Billionaire Derek Montenegro. **** Clara is a maid at one of New York's most renowned hotels. She works two jobs to make ends meet and to protect her family from the debt her father's drinking left behind. What occurs when she meets Derek Montenegro, the heir to the largest hotel chain in the nation, a real ladies' guy, and also her boss? What transpires when her ex-boyfriend unexpectedly walks in and knocks him out? She spends the entire night taking care of him in an effort to keep her job. But something seems off. Not only is she half nude next to him when he wakes up with a searing headache, but he has no memory of the previous night. He dismisses her from her work because he views her as a floozy who is just interested in his money. What transpires when they cross paths again two weeks later and she blurts out, "I'm pregnant." Not to mention, she could have a chance of falling in love—this might lead to a lot of unexpected complications. Can genuine love really last in the midst of so many lies?



Review after half of the novel

So far so good! Great written novel with quite interesting storyline. Sometimes it does get a bit weird like you think how this or that could possibly happen or that in real life it would definitely not happen like this (so many lies/stories/things happening etc) but yes overall quite good. It is great to see that some chapters are quite long so it takes time to read them which is nice! But yes great work, cannot wait to read more !

July 1, 2024

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