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Best Romance Novels


Zumpty FD

  • 👁 1.2K
  • 6.2
  • 📚 2

About me

Zumpty Fareedah, sometimes written as Zumpty FD is a prolific eBook novelist and a part-time ghostwriter. She developed an interest in writing at a young age and quickly moved from scribbling into notebooks to freelancing on the Internet. She has three non-exclusive books and hopes to do more as time goes on. She centers her writing on genres concerning personal relationships like contemporary romance, YA/NA, Teens, fantasy and supernatural/paranormal romance.


Book cover
  • Author: Zumpty FD
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 29
  • 5.0

Richard Rossi, co-owner of Petals Cosmetics and Pharmaceuticals gets a sexual experience that shakes his whole being from a young woman who turns out to be the youngest daughter of his partner, Peter Torres. He hides away after the incident miles away from the Torres family. His presence is not required until the sudden passing away of his partner and best friend. Jacqueline Torres is a wild child, the black sheep of the Torres family and the youngest child. On the night of her parents' annual summer party, she meets a man who evokes the female side of her which she had strived to keep buried within her. When she finds out who he is, she vows to make him pay for running out on her. When the runaway co-owner returns to take over after her father's death, Jacqueline begins to question her emotions as memories of that night plague her still. Richard is called upon to take up the responsibility of his company, putting an end to his nomadic lifestyle. He tries to play a distant, fatherly role when he meets with the lady from five years ago but when they encounter dire situations and death targets from all sides, he has a reason to stay, to protect and to love her. Richard Rossi, co-owner of Petals Cosmetics and Pharmaceuticals gets a sexual experience that shakes his whole being from a young woman who turns out to be the youngest daughter of his partner, Peter Torres. He hides away after the incident miles away from the Torres family. His presence is not required until the sudden passing away of his partner and best friend. Jacqueline Torres is a wild child, the black sheep of the Torres family and the youngest child. On the night of her parents' annual summer party, she meets a man who evokes the female side of her which she had strived to keep buried within her. When she finds out who he is, she vows to make him pay for running out on her. When the runaway co-owner returns to take over after her father's death, Jacqueline begins to question her emotions as memories of that night plague her still. Richard is called upon to take up the responsibility of his company, putting an end to his nomadic lifestyle. He tries to play a distant, fatherly role when he meets with the lady from five years ago but when they encounter dire situations and death targets from all sides, he has a reason to stay, to protect and to love her.

Book cover

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