Taize Dantas
- 👁 6K
- ⭐ 7.5
- 📚 10
About me
An avid reader, I've always enjoyed novels and now I write them, always ensuring a happy ending for my characters.

- Author: Taize Dantas
- Status: Completed
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 1.8K
- ⭐ 7.5
Having always lived in poverty, Virginia struggled to have better financial conditions, as she wanted to give the best for her parents. So when her best friend suggests that they could get a lot of money by auctioning off their virginity, Virginia doesn't think twice about giving her only "asset" to the highest bidder. She just didn't expect fate to play a trick on her, where what was supposed to be just a business deal turns into pleasure and she falls in love with the man who auctioned her off.
- Author: Taize Dantas
- Status: Completed
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 979
- ⭐ 7.5
Kael Graham is a cold, unfeeling man driven by a relentless quest for revenge. He is determined to destroy Rachel Mitchell's life and will do anything to achieve his goal. To do so, Kael lures Rachel into a dangerous trap, but, ironically, it is Rachel's sister Sarah who suffers the consequences. Now, who will emerge victorious in this game of revenge and pleasure?
- Author: Taize Dantas
- Status: Completed
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 165
- ⭐ 7.5
A major romantic disappointment leads Lizandra to leave her hometown and accept a job offer in Rio de Janeiro, but her impulsive act leads her into a scam. Lizandra finds herself trapped in a big city where she knows absolutely no one. However, an accident introduces her to wonderful people, and perhaps she has found a true family. Now, she just needs to convince the handsome and arrogant Heitor Alves de Bragança that she's not a con artist willing to take advantage of people who have only helped her.
- Author: Taize Dantas
- Status: Ongoing
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 183
- ⭐ 7.5
Sarah y Rachel Mitchell son hermanas gemelas que enfrentan el impacto emocional de descubrir que su padre dilapidó toda su herencia antes de fallecer. Sin embargo, desconocen que hay alguien detrás de todos los problemas que están enfrentando. Kael Graham es un hombre frío e insensible, impulsado por una búsqueda implacable de venganza. Está decidido a destruir la vida de Rachel Mitchell y hará cualquier cosa para alcanzar su objetivo. Para ello, Kael atrae a Rachel a una trampa peligrosa, pero, irónicamente, quien sufre las consecuencias es Sarah, la hermana gemela de Rachel. Ahora, ¿quién saldrá victorioso en este juego de venganza y placer? Una única noche de intensos deseos altera la trayectoria de todos ellos, revelando que el amor es solo una pieza de este gran juego.
- Author: Taize Dantas
- Status: Completed
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 1.2K
- ⭐ 7.5
Habiendo vivido siempre en la pobreza, Virginia luchaba por tener mejores condiciones financieras, ya que quería dar lo mejor a sus padres. Así que cuando su mejor amiga sugiere que podrían conseguir mucho dinero subastando su virginidad, Virginia no duda en entregar su único "activo" al postor más alto. Solo que no esperaba que el destino le jugara una mala pasada, donde lo que se suponía que era solo un negocio se convierte en placer y se enamora del hombre que la subastó.
- Author: Taize Dantas
- Status: Completed
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 833
- ⭐ 7.5
Una gran desilusión amorosa llevó a Lizandra a abandonar su ciudad natal y aceptar una oferta de trabajo en Río de Janeiro, pero su acción impulsiva la llevó a caer en una estafa. Lizandra se encuentra sin salida en una ciudad grande donde no conoce a nadie, sin embargo, un accidente pone en su camino a personas maravillosas y tal vez ha encontrado una verdadera familia. Solo queda convencer al hermoso y arrogante Heitor Alves de Bragança de que ella no es una estafadora dispuesta a sacar provecho de personas que solo la ayudaron.
- Author: Taize Dantas
- Status: Completed
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 215
- ⭐ 7.5
Liam Ricci is a charismatic yet arrogant and temperamental man. He has no intention of getting married and giving up his life of romantic conquests. However, his father insists that he must marry before becoming the president of the family company. With only five days to find a bride, Liam is desperate. He seeks out Cecilia, a former employee he unjustly fired, and makes an unusual proposal: a marriage of convenience. The fact that Cecilia is just a cleaning lady sparks controversy within his family, and they must navigate the challenges imposed by Liam's family.
- Author: Taize Dantas
- Status: Completed
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 157
- ⭐ 7.5
Beatrice Pagett has always deeply loved Edward Maddock, even though they married by contract. After a year of passionless marriage, she decides to seek a divorce, longing for a life away from the pain of unrequited love with Edward. Edward realizes too late the grave mistake he made and decides to fight with determination. He wants to undo the past and win back Beatrice's love. He strives to regain her affection and rebuild the lost time. Now, the question is whether Beatrice will give a new chance to the man who rejected her. In this story of second chances, their fate is shaped by the desire to start anew and the caution that comes from the scars of the past.
- Author: Taize Dantas
- Status: Ongoing
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 49
- ⭐ 7.5
Leonel Baumann, the relentless patriarch of a vast financial empire, decides it's time for his grandchildren to leave behind their lives of excess and unbridled ambition. Concerned about the family’s future, Leonel imposes his own rules for the heirs to secure their places and claim their shares of the inheritance. Thus, you’ll be introduced to the saga of the four siblings: Aaron, Anton, Axel, and Anneliese. Four heirs are determined to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals and preserve the Baumann legacy.
- Author: Taize Dantas
- Status: Completed
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 478
- ⭐ 7.5
Brian Taylor decide que ha llegado el momento de tener un hijo, pero no desea las complicaciones de una relación amorosa y opta por contratar a una desconocida para que genere a su heredero y sea su vientre de alquiler. Charlotte Thompson es una joven de dieciocho años que ha encontrado en las hermanas Nicole y Emily la familia que nunca tuvo. Haría cualquier cosa para ayudar a sus dos amigas, quienes la acogieron cuando más lo necesitaba y la amaban como a una hermana. Oliver Mackenzie es abogado y aceptó intermediar en la realización del deseo de su mejor amigo, al mismo tiempo que ayudará a la bondadosa Charlotte a resolver los problemas financieros de ella y de sus amigas. Pero nadie contaba con que el destino jugaría una mala pasada a todos y uniría aún más las vidas de personas tan diferentes.