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Best Romance Novels


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  • šŸ‘ 74
  • ā­ 7.5
  • šŸ“š 1

About me

šŸ“š As an author, I weave stories that captivate and inspire, drawing from my unique experiences and imagination. šŸ‘©ā€āš•ļø Currently a nursing student, I'm dedicated to learning and applying my knowledge to make a difference in people's lives, both in and out of the hospital. šŸŽ® When I'm not buried in books or attending to patients, you'll often find me immersed in the virtual worlds of gaming, where I find joy and relaxation. šŸŽ‚ Born on January 24, I bring creativity, compassion, and a competitive spirit to everything I do. šŸ« I'm a proud alumni of Oriwu Model College, where I laid the foundation for my diverse interests and passions.



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