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Rosy kosy

  • šŸ‘ 1.7K
  • ā­ 6.2
  • šŸ“š 2

About me

I am Rosy Kosy. A female writer from Nigeria. I am a self-paced person. I can't say I am shy, but I prefer the company of people I am comfortable with. Notwithstanding, I am a fun person. I ensure at every rise of a new day to have a new experience. I mean, there is a lot in the world, so I thrive to see and receive the beauty of it to the fullest. I have a passion for traveling, communicating with people, watching movies, and most especially, writing. Writing is the world I love the most. It gives me the chance to express myself and freely transform my imagination into reality without fear of being judged. In my world of imagination and transformation, I am the KING. And every day, I work hard to see people dive into my kingdom to see and enjoy life from the aspect I have come to love. šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•



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