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  • 7.6
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Book cover
  • Author: Raibird
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 9.7K
  • 7.6

Victoria, "Tori", a naive young lady just graduated from nursing school landed her dream job at the prestigious Hidden Falls Medical Center burn trauma unit. Excited to start her new life along with her best friend, until one day when her boss asks her if she would be interested in working with a local young man injured in a house fire. She learns he is the next Alpha to the Hidden Falls Pack, and she will live in the packhouse during her stay. Memories of her mother taking her away from her father, an Alpha himself, due to infidelities and her mother wanting to keep her away from her father. Learning at a young age that she has a Genesis wolf, or healer wolf, but unable to shift, she uses her abilities to help others. Little does she know that her father has been searching for her for seventeen years. He has sent out his wolves to look for her in every town, and other packs. His Beta, Victor, and his Gamma, Eric, have stumbled upon her by sheer chance. Having known Tori when she was a little girl, Victor is excited and impatient to find her and bring her home. He is so close until he learns from Eric, who happens to be Tori's best friend's fiancé and mate, that she will be going to another pack. As her friend accompanies her to the pack as her assistant. As she works with the injured Alpha, who turns out to be her fated mate, but later rejects her, she learns about herself and more of her abilities. Those abilities, that are more powerful than she ever expected, are desired by the greedy Alpha who will stop at nothing to have her in his possession, even after rejecting her


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