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Best Romance Novels

M K Devidasan

  • 👁 104
  • 7.5
  • 📚 2

About me

I am M.K. Devidasan, a retired Wing Commander of the Indian Air Force, having served for thirty-two years before transitioning to a full-time writing career. My literary journey began in 1976 with a collection of poems titled Distressed Lady, and I published my debut novel, Her Miseries, in 1993. The novel was later digitized by Michigan University, marking the beginning of my extensive writing career. Since then, I have authored over twenty books, spanning diverse genres. Some of my notable works include War Hero, Marriage in Heaven, and the Dad & Daughter series. Writing has always been my passion, and I am deeply committed to exploring new themes and ideas in my work. My nonfiction book In Search of Happiness in Marriage – Secrets Revealed for Happy Marriage won the prestigious Golden Book Award in 2023. One of my proudest achievements is the success of my best-selling novel Marriage in Heaven, which was adapted into a Malayalam film titled Krishna Kripa Sagaram, released in theaters on 1st December 2023.



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