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Best Romance Novels


Just Bae

  • 👁 20.6K
  • 6.6
  • 📚 19

About me

The top all-embracing, all-inclusive author in the genre of romance, genre fiction and Erotica! My readers are all flavors, so my books are for everyone. Every trope including Urban Fiction, African American romance, LGBTQ romance, Contemporary romance, Erotica romance, Erotica, Women's Fiction, Inspirational romance and much more! My works are in ebook, print and audiobook formats under Just Bae, Madam Lexi Black and Lacy Kennedy. Follow me: FB: authorjustbae Tiktok: @justbaesteamybooks and @justbaeromances Email: [email protected], authorlexiblack@gmail or [email protected] for inquiries.


Book cover
  • Author: Just Bae
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 174
  • 5.0

In the first story, "Debra," prepare to be captivated by the forbidden allure of an illicit affair between a mature professor and a captivating eighteen-year-old foreign exchange student. As their worlds collide, they embark on a journey that challenges societal norms and pushes the boundaries of their desires. Witness the exhilarating dance between innocence and experience as they navigate the treacherous terrain of forbidden love, leaving you breathless and yearning for the forbidden. Next, in "Kristy," delve into the sultry world of a passionate liaison between a charismatic suitor and the mother of a boy who has suffered at the hands of bullies. In their shared vulnerability and longing for connection, they find solace and intense desire. Unleash your own hidden passions as you witness the transformative power of forbidden love and the unquenchable fire that burns between them. In "Jordan," succumb to the temptation of a scorching tryst with a vivacious and voluptuous nanny. Behind closed doors, an electric chemistry simmers between her and her employer, leading to a journey of forbidden pleasure and unbridled passion. Explore the boundaries of trust, power, and the undeniable attraction that transcends societal norms, leaving you enthralled and eagerly turning each page. Finally, in "Priya," uncover the clandestine desires that bind a charismatic professor and his captivating and alluring student. As their undeniable attraction intensifies, they embark on a torrid affair that blurs the lines between professionalism and forbidden passion. Dive into the depths of their hidden desires, risking everything for a taste of ecstasy that will leave you spellbound and yearning for more. Within these stories, prepare to be transported into a world where fantasies come alive, inhibitions are shed, and the forbidden becomes the ultimate aphrodisiac. Each tale explores the complexities of desire, the exhilaration of risk, and the transformative power of surrender. These seductive stories will ignite your senses, leaving you captivated by the forbidden dance between pleasure and consequence.


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