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  • 7.5
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Female A professional Teacher I'm someone who can only express her emotions through writing


Book cover
  • Author: Hephzibahi
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 224
  • 7.5

"Brother, I'm pregnant with our child." His response was cold and dismissive. "Get rid of it. It would bring too much shame. How could you be so careless? Don’t you know about contraception? What a disgrace." With those biting words, he stormed out, leaving Clarissa in stunned silence. Five days had passed in the blink of an eye. As Drew pulled through the gates of their villa, his mind wasn’t occupied with the meeting he’d just had with his father. Instead, his thoughts were consumed by her. He was still seething, frustrated that the therapist couldn’t help, and now, to make matters worse, she was pregnant. He stopped his car just outside the massive gates of the Walter villa. When the security didn’t open the gate quickly enough, he angrily jabbed at the intercom, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel in growing frustration. Ten minutes passed before the gates finally opened, and Drew drove in with a clenched fist in his pocket. He hadn’t forgotten the reason his father had summoned him back home. It was only because of his father’s threat to transfer all of his properties to the unborn child that Drew had agreed to come and take Clarissa as his father had ordered. But there was another reason he’d come today—to get their marriage certificate and start making her life miserable for the mess she’d created. Taking a deep breath, he composed himself. When he opened his eyes, he was the Walter family heir again, his face cold and controlled. In the expansive sitting room, the atmosphere was thick with silence. Clarissa’s mind raced. She had never anticipated that her decision to keep the pregnancy would cause such a rift. Her mother was asking for a divorce, while Drew had only just returned home after his father had insisted they marry five days ago. She never expected things to spiral out of control like this. Leaning back on the sofa with his usual arrogance, Drew finally broke the silence. “I’m here to take Clarissa out,” he said smoothly, crossing his legs with practiced ease. The others in the room exchanged looks but said nothing. All eyes turned to Clarissa, waiting for her reaction. She kept her gaze lowered, silent, unsure whether to feel happy or sad given how everything was unfolding. When she finally got into the car, Drew’s voice cut through the tension. “Did you bring your ID?” "Yes," she replied quietly.


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