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A lover of ice cream


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" Mine!" The voice roars again, making me shift a little bit from Liam. I don't understand while I'm the only one hearing a strange voice claiming me in my head! This is frustrating! What's happening to me? Anytime I get closer to a guy the voice always rings. I don't understand. First, I thought I was just hearing things but it continued. Now it's f**king worse! Liam noticed I wasn't giving in for the kiss again, he held my hand, As I was trying to compose myself from the annoying voice in my head.. "Are you okay?" He asked, immediately the voice rang again but this time a bit louder than the first. "Mine!" "Oh shut the f*ck up!" I grumbled, blocking my ears from the whispers but everyone in the corridor shockingly stared at me. Was I running mad? "Are you telling me to shut the f*ck up?" Liam asked, looking confused at me.. "No no no, I wasn't. Just that..." At that moment, My words seized when my eyes caught a glimpse of the devil, Luca, he was standing a few miles away from the pillars we rested on... his pure ocean eyes were buried in me like I was some kind of a prey. "That b*st*rd" I mumbled angrily, Γ— Γ— Γ— Γ— He was the alpha of the Mighty Pack While She's a just human with her own identity But they're destined to be together and their path has been joined by the moon goddess. No matter how far she fought it, the paths still link… What would become of them in a world where witches and werewolves are sworn enemies. Find out what happened in this intriguing book !


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