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Best Romance Novels


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“Touch me. Arnold.” Keira said in a low voice. It was unsure and vulnerable, but the details didn't matter. Arnold wanted her and hated her. The feeling was paradoxical. But as the saying goes, “There's a thin line between love and hate.” Keira McCarthy wanted a normal life. The one she was used to, being with her family and living her life like the princess she had been growing up. But fate had other plans for her, or rather rose-colored glasses were destroyed. There were so many lies and secrets. It could destroy her, it overwhelmed her, and everything came crashing before her, the shards beneath her feet. Arnold Giovanni was the man who had turned her world upside down. With his charming, menacing forest green eyes. At some point, those eyes haunted her. She dreaded him. The cold-hearted mafia boss that she was married to. Arnold owned men and women, ruled an empire and he owned her too, much to Keira’s detriment. She had to escape from his world, it was dark. A darkness she was familiar with, she had forgotten most of it but now it haunted her. She was trying to be sunshine and he was her midnight rain. They couldn't trust each other. Keira knew him. His past and everything he represented, he reminded her why she left in the first place and Arnold, knew only the things he saw on paper, but it turned out that he never really knew her at all. There was black, there was white and there was gray where all the secrets were hidden under the facade of the misty color.


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