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Best Romance Novels


Bianca Sommerland

  • 👁 1.2K
  • 7.5
  • 📚 2

About me

Bianca Sommerland, author of the award winning Dartmouth Cobras series, was born and raised in Montreal, Quebec. After hitting the USA TODAY Bestsellers list, and being invited to teach several classes on writing in the sports and BDSM genre, they retreated to their writing cave and can still be found there, doing what they've always done. Which is writing whatever the characters tell them to. When not reading neurotically or writing as though the fate of the world rests on their keyboard, they are either watching hockey or teaching their children the beauty of a classic, steel pony while reminiscing about their days in Auto Body Mechanics. Their dream is to one day own enough land to park a few junkers on so they can work on restorations in their spare time. They also wants a pony. And while we’re sharing their wishlist, owning a tank is somewhere around number 5. Not that they would use it unless there’s a zombie apocalypse, but they do like to be prepared. Their time is balanced with utmost care between ‘normal’ family life, and being lured into the fictional realm where their characters reside. For the most part, they succeed.



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