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Best Romance Novels

Alexis Dee

  • 👁 2.6K
  • 9.7
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Book cover
  • Author: Alexis Dee
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 2.6K
  • 9.7

Growing up as an Omega Rogue had been tormenting. Everyone around me had always insisted that I would never find a mate, and even if I did, they would never accept me. Today was the mating call ceremony, held for the two alphas who would find their mates among the newly turned 18-year-olds. The two alphas, Alpha Enzo and Alpha Atticus, were best friends. Alpha Atticus was the one I had been staring at the entire time. I had a massive crush on him, and I always prayed that somehow the Moon Goddess would choose us as mates. ‘Mine!’The terror I felt upon discovering I was mated to two alphas was beyond anything I had experienced before. It was like watching myself drown in shark-infested waters. The two alphas kept their gazes fixed on my face. "So, may I ask the respected alphas to announce the names of their beautiful Luna?" "I didn’t find my mate," Alpha Enzo lied, surprising me. I had been expecting an immediate rejection, but he didn't utter my name at all. "I didn't find my mate either," Alpha Atticus lied with a composed expression. With that single sentence and his disregard, he completely erased my presence. "It was me," I whispered as others began to gather their belongings to leave. Nobody heard me, and I had no intention of revealing it to anyone. "I am --- their mate," I whispered, maintaining unbroken eye contact with them. However, their decision to hide the truth had left me deeply concerned. What were their intentions with this mate bond?


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