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Best Romance Novels



  • 👁 35.3K
  • 7.5
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About me

I am a passionate romance writer. I have written and completed four novels so far and a lot are coming. Writing is how best I know I express myself.


Book cover
  • Author: JOSSY
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 18.9K
  • 7.5

"But all these scars, they will always remind you of the beast that I am." He said in a hushed tone, caressing the scars on her face. "Not when they can be turned into beautiful scars." Her response echoed with confusion and incredulity to him. How could all the pain he had inflicted on her turn into something good? A broken and desperate, depressed Billionaire, and the poorest of all naive girl who just lost everything in a blink of an eye, and her mother just traded her like a piece of trash. They are to be bound together by a contract as husband and wife for just five months. Everything seems to be under control, until one night of total madness complicates everything. She had done and sacrificed so much for him, asking nothing in return or ever complaining. In return, he asked for one night to treat her like the loving wife she is supposed to be. One night they surrendered and lost their souls to each other, marking the beginning of their unquenchable thirsts for each other. What happens if the two of them break the major rule of the contract? Who will bear the blame? What's the punishment for such an offense? When feelings arise, can they embrace them? But what happens when his real love returns? His crush. His first love. The one he once went insane for. She doesn't return empty-handed. She is seven months pregnant with the son he thought she lost. What will he do? Wait... His passionate nights with his contract wife bore fruits too. She is expecting his child. Will he marry both of them, or who will he choose?

Book cover
  • Author: JOSSY
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 99
  • 7.5

She got pregnant by the man she loved, but he ruthlessly spit her out the moment he learned of the seed in her womb. To protect the image of their family, Ayana Salma De’Mario was grounded and hidden like a bad omen.   Six years later, Ayana knows only the walls of her cage, her sweet five-year-old girl, her paintings, the young student she is teaching, and this mysterious ghost lover whom she has never met.   But a tragedy strikes their family empire. And, in need of a savior, her family decided to trade the black sheep of the family to save their company.   And in the picture is the cold-hearted Adam Stone De'Leon, the most ill-famed heartbreaker the city has ever had. A vainglorious, beyond-s*xy man who leaves every straight woman drooling over him despite his reputation. He has two rules: no attachments, and absolutely no second time with the same woman. A controversial man who parades his sins as if they are gold crowns on his head. But something unexpected changes the moment he meets Ayana. His heart beats for her in ways he never imagined. He wants her by all means and would go to any extreme to have her.   But Ayana would rather die a million deaths than help her family, much less if it involves her life being tangled with such a skanky man.   She rebels. She is expelled. And she leaves. Unbeknownst to her, a tangled fate awaits her outside. She crashes into the stubborn lady’s man, Adam Stone De’Leon, her toxic, insecure, and dominant ghost fiance, and to top the misfortunes, her arrogant, aggressive baby daddy storms back into her life to claim what he believes belongs to him.   And the sweet, heart-stirring tangle begins!


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