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Spin the Bottle

  • 👁 17K
  • 9.2
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It all started with a kiss during the game of spin the bottle. * When Stephanie Valentine - a wallflower who only focuses on getting good grades for college - goes to her first high school party in senior year, she hopes nothing crazy happens. Imagine the horror when she somehow ends up in the same room with Christopher Hayes, the most wanted guy in school who just happens to be a Playboy and a game of 'spin the bottle' is played. When Christopher spins the bottle, it shockingly points at her. They kiss and that's all it takes for her senior year to take a wild turn.



Review after the novel completion

Basically love can be found in different dimensions, hoping Brooke get’s the man of her dreams number though😂😂 or gets back with Cole Satisfied that poison ivy got a taste of what she dishes 🙃….Love it for the player boy Christopher and good girl Stephanie 😍🥰 wish it’s not ended yet might just read all over again❤️ Note: Take your time to go to that party now😂 you never can tell when you would run into the love of your life 😄

April 23, 2024

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