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Best Romance Novels

A Night with The Mafia Don

  • 👁 13.9K
  • 9.8
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"You and I are getting married." Goldie, disguised as Octavia, attended Salvatore DeMarco's lavish party for a night of pure fun, but when the ripping of her dress leads her into Salvatore's arms, she least expects his audacious proposal: marriage for protection. Salvatore's infatuation with Goldie soon turns to obsession, causing her hidden secrets to unravel their fragile alliance and bind her to a fate she fears. Can Salvatore defy the odds and forge a future with her, or will the shadows of their pasts tear them apart forever?



Review after half of the novel

I love the way Goldie carries herself with prestige n how she's following Salvatore with brain , never letting the man see her weak side in everything. Never relenting. Dave to say not all Disappointment is bad, some comes with blessing n life turn around j hhj nhh bhh HH hh bb hh bb hh hh hh hh hh hh hhh HH hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh ss he e e e

May 18, 2024

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