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Best Romance Novels

My Sexy Nerd Roommate

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  • 8.8
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"Ashley was always into hot boys in her hometown. But this nerd guy made her heart beats fast, and made her blush like an innocent girl. His glaring just made her panties wet. “Y-you like me?” Uno’s golden gaze locked with my green one. It was like he was scanning me. my gaze travelled to his kissable lips. “Isn’t it obvious?” I smiled playfully. “But—“ I looked back at his eyes “I know you want me too Uno. That—“ I pointed to his boner, “proves it. You got it when I sat on your lap. I want you to touch me, feel me, kiss me Uno, and I’m sure as hell that you want it.” Before I could stop myself, my hand went to his trousers and squeezed him over his sweatpants. His thickness shocked me. “Oh f*ck!” he groaned as my hand squeezed him. I wanted his manhood in me as soon as possible or I’d go crazy. Uno looked at me, lips parted. His gaze roamed all over my body. My face, my neck, breasts, legs, everywhere. I could see the inner beast in him wanting to break open the f*ck*ng cage and pounced out to ravish me. I could see the battle he was fighting in his eyes. I leaned forward and whispered into his ear softly. “Let it go, Uno.” Suddenly out of nowhere, it’s like something snapped in him and Uno pushed me down on the couch and crashed my lips to his."



Review after the novel completion

Ok this book has twists and turns and lies and hurtful things all in one. Read with caution and openness cause when I tell you I was pissed off in certain chapters and characters I was bloody pissed the hell off. The book is awesome and the ending made me very happy. Wouldn’t ask for a thing more than more understanding between the main characters of the bloody book 📕!!! Other than that 8/10 cause I kept getting mad and now I need a drink 🥃 night everyone ✌🏽

October 15, 2024

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