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The Moon and Her Secret

  • 👁 13.9K
  • 7.5
  • 💬 0


Lana Danley lives her peaceful life in the small town of Rosecliff where she is a senior in high school. The mundane routine of her daily life is weighing on her as she can only dream of the day she graduates and moves to the big city. One night, during her shift as a part time forest ranger she finds an unusually large and injured wolf. She decides to help it by bringing it home to treat it's wounds. Later that night when she goes to check on the wolf, she finds instead her classmate, River Attwood, naked and glaring daggers at her. Soon, she is pulled into the mysteries of Rosecliff and its entanglement with the creatures of the night who rule over the forest, werewolves.



Review after the novel completion

The interactions of the characters was very well thought out. The story line was different from all the other books I am reading and was caught up in the story after the 1st couple of chapters. I even went back and read it a second time. To really understand the different nuances of each character. Which when you read some stories a 2nd time you don't find anything different, but I have to say that wasn't true with this one. I enjoyed it more the 2nd time around.

August 8, 2024

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