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Best Romance Novels

Sold To The Tyrant Alpha king

  • Genre: Werewolf
  • Author: Hayley
  • Chapters: 153
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 7.5K
  • 8.9
  • 💬 0


“You're just a worthless Omega with no societal status in this Pack, so I can't accept you as a mate. It's an offense to my person!” **** Imagine getting rejected by your mate because he sees you as a low ranked wolf? Imagine getting sold by your mate to someone as ruthless as Alpha Lucian, who is feared by all Alphas? Arianna thought her life wouldn't get any worse after she gets rejected by her fated mate for being an omega, but FATE had something else in stock for her. Sold to a tyrant and cruel Alpha, who held a massive grudge against Omegas like her, she is left to battle between surviving in his pack, healing him and winning his heart as well. Would she be able to find happiness, especially now that she wielded something her ex mate needed badly? He wants her, but Alpha Luciano isn't ready to let her go. What would be her fate?



Review after the novel completion

Omegas are not always exactly what they seem. In a world where she is constantly told they are nothing by those who should love and protect them, our heroine finds herself severely limited by holding those insults close to her heart. She is bullied everywhere, rejected by her mate, betrayed by family who force her into a dreadful situation. The story line has a wealth of villains, one of the worst being a family member. it is an intense tale that sometimes goes very dark. The story pulls you through from one chapter to the next. The only reason is did not make top rating was the constant misspellings, incorrect words choices, and mixing up of character names. Here’s hoping this can be properly proofread soon.

December 27, 2024

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