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Reclaimed Destiny

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This one word Mate should bring hope, but for a shroud wolf like me, it feels more like a curse. I’m Gianna Greco, the illegitimate daughter of a great warrior, with a dormant wolf spirit. For me, love has always been a dangerous gamble. I risked everything for Enzo Caruso, only to be rejected in front of the whole pack—crushed but alive. I found a new purpose in the mountains, training to fight and leading a resistance against Alpha King Matteo's tyranny. But fate is cruel. Now, I’m back with the pack that abandoned me, forced into captivity under Alpha Stefano, a ruthless general. Despite the fear, I’m drawn to him, and I fear he might be my second chance mate. One more rejection, though, might just destroy me.


Fia Abrahamsson

Review after the novel completion

I really liked this story and it almost was like the story about King Arthur and all the wars. The story about Stefano and his Gianna was really nice one as a reader there was always a red thread to follow. Not too much descriptions and lingered in other important comments. The writer kept it all together and I wish hen good luck in the future. I am looking forward for the writers next book but in different place and era

December 24, 2024

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