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In Love With The forbidden Lycan

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A vicious war between the lone wolf and the biggest werewolf pack. She must find those who killed her mother and subjected her to a life of torment. Lone-wolf Limra must find the Great White Werewolf so that she can win the war. He is rumoured to be the most powerful monster; with just his roar an entire forest could go down in flames. He is The Son Of Moon—riddled with the most intense emotions such that it forbidden for anyone of his kind to entertain love affairs. A heart break could literally result in the destruction of the entire earth. However, in working with Limra he finds his feelings growing her. It hurts more when he has to see her with another man chosen by the moon goddess.

Chapter 1| My mother, the lone wolf

I was born from a lone wolf. My mother, the lone wolf. She lost her pack and was met by a man she fell in love with. They mated without marking. When she fell pregnant, she was hunted down by his underlings, trying to erase evidence of his unfaithfulness.

She abandoned us, I don’t blame her. It was the only way she could run faster. Oh, she ran, alright. But she was caught and then slaughtered. I can only be grateful to her that she hid us carefully before she sprinted away to divert the attention away from us. All six of us were too young, we only started learning how to walk.

There always this blinding light that came with food to the cave we were hiding in. We had food, water, shelter and safety. Not one animal came sniffing around our cave—it was like someone or something was scaring the animals away. I always believed that there was something around us protecting us. If I only could look through the blinding light and see who our saviour was. We were getting stronger and a little too curious, then the food stopped coming. That was when we knew we had to start hunting for ourselves.

There were six of us in total. And our personalities were starting to show. Illy was always sick. She was the one with a weak immune system since she was conceived last in our mother’s womb. We took turns in taking care of her.

We had Dumb-dumb—I think the name explains itself. He was fascinated by his healing ability that he went and jumped off the cliff to see if an injury that big would heal but we lost him. He died—his body couldn’t heal such drastic damage. Not only did he break his bones but his bones also punched through his internal organs.

My 3rd sibling, we never really named him. He had an insatiable appetite. He literally ate anything and everything. He naturally became our food tester and taster. Whatever food that made his sick, we made sure to stay away from it. He then died after fighting over a bear’s full liver. Turns out our human side could not withstand the toxins in bear’s liver.

Great lessons learned from those two fallen siblings. We mourned them, buried them and moved on. That was actually the biggest feast we ever had. We had caught a bear! It was actually an abandoned baby bear—a cub.

It was thanks to my brother, Boron. He was the brains for all of us. He was strategic and logical. We never went out on a hunt without his planning. He gathered us all together and planned according to each of our skills. We all suspected that Boron was conceived first in our mother’s womb hence, the brains, the strength and the looks. He took all the favourable nutrients before we could.

I, Limra, was the brave one. The one most likely to survive. I could easily morph into anything—I could be submissive and I could be dominant given a situation. I was the survivor among all 4 of them left. I had the strength and I had the wits. My name is Limra.


It was winter. A time when wolves were most active. They would be breeding and finding territory to lay on. To keep warm in their packs. My siblings knew that we had to get moving or else some vicious packs might come and kick us out of our territory, we were still too young to fight a bunch of grown wolves.

We were too late, they found us and attacked. Those vicious monsters, I saw them claw out the intestines of my sibling (the 4th and she died on the spot). “Run!” I heard Boron cry. “Take Illy and run! I’ll keep them occupied!”

I saw Boron put up a fight. He was brave. He faced them head on. Had his claws and his fangs out. He roared at them while they all towered above him. I kept looking back to him as I dragged Illy with me. She was bitten and she was bleeding. There was no time to treat her wound we had to keep running.

I saw it again, the blinding light. Instantly, I felt safe, almost assured that everything would be alright. I squinted my eyes to look into that light, I could finally see a tail wave and vanish.

We were safe now. We made it, deep into the forest. There was a fresh water body. I helped Illy to a drink. As she drank, I licked her bite-wound clean. I wasn’t learned about herbs or healing techniques. All I could do was lick her wound and watch her shiver.

Her body trembled throughout the night. That wound could easily heal on my body but not on her—she had a very weak immune system. As we drifted into the night, the gaze upon her face got a little weaker. Her breathing was slowly going away.

I kept brushing her awake but she would fall back into sleep. I was afraid to let her sleep. What if she never wakes up again? It was only myself and her now. We already lost mother, we then lost two of our brothers and that day we lost Boron and my other sister. I was only left with her.

It was very clear that I would be the lone survivor. Illy was very tired. She whispered to me something that would change my life forever. I had no idea those would be her last words ever. She was exhausted, I couldn’t force her stay awake with me anymore. I woke up the next morning and she passed away with the night. Her wound had gotten infected and she didn’t make it.

Just like my mother, I was now a lone wolf.

“Find mother’s killer and bring him down to his knees.”

Those were the last words Illy breathed out of her dying lungs. The one who fathered me, is the one who killed my mother. Illy was right, he was the reason we had such a troubled life. He was the reason I lost all of my littermates. Now, I am left to wander alone. I have no pack and I have no family. But I’ll tell you what I have, I have a goal to find and to kill my father.”

Chapter 2| To those who killed my mother, I’m coming…

**(Content contains themes of depression and suicide. Caution is advised) **





“Find mother’s killer and bring him down to his knees.”

Those were the last words Illy breathed out of her dying lungs. The one who fathered me, is the one who killed my mother. Illy was right, he was the reason we had such a troubled life. He was the reason I lost all of my littermates. Now, I am left to wander alone. I have no pack and I have no family. But I’ll tell you what I have, I have a goal to find and to kill my father.”

I didn’t know I could grieve this much. My heart had been aching for months now. Sometimes I forget to eat and eat only when I feel dizzy. I had no idea, grieve could bring this much emptiness, cold winds flash past me from time to time. I often delude myself into thinking that my siblings are saying hi through those winds. I won’t lie, sometimes I think about throwing my self over the cliff. I’d stopped putti


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