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Alpha King's Lost Luna

  • 👁 81.1K
  • 8.4
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Cassandra Keller was wolfless. She lived in a small pack and ran a small clinic with her friend Marley. When the hunting festival came, she had nothing to expect because she was forbidden to enter the forest for her inability. That morning, she was called by the Alpha for an emergency. She went there in no time only to find the patient to be the son of their Alpha King. The Alpha King was not only the king, but also her mate who abandoned her five years ago.


Suzan Corter

Review after half of the novel

Love it so far.. the alpha king has so much to look forward to when he finds out finicky ia his and I pray his current t wife and step mother don't go to crazy when they realize the doc is Cora. The book is well written and it makes you want to keep reading. I don't like the hour wait time but it's better than having to pay for coins when you can earn and wait a little while to have the next chapter open

July 12, 2024

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