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Mafia Bosses Got Me: The BWWM Dark Romance Collection

  • 👁 2.3K
  • 6.2
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From the dangerous streets of New York City to the steamy shores of Miami, this trio of mafia standalone stories unites in a single volume to feature three strong-willed black heroines entangled with three powerful mafia bosses. In "Sergei," a merciless Bratva mafia boss holds a black woman's brother for ransom. He's becoming dangerously obsessed with her, leading to a passionate and explosive conflict of interest. And in "Ciara Pt. 1 & 2," a young African American woman faces a choice between her loyalty to her oath to help her family and her conflicted love for the notorious Italian Don.


Lorie delaneau

Review after half of the novel

I'm so happy. That they created this like. It's very literally a very good book like I'm enjoying it so much. I like the tension, the plot everything about it. Actually it's very good. I give it 8 out of 10 I. Enjoy this book very much. I'm hoping for some more plots. ABCD EF.G.H Ij k elemento, p, so yeah, guys.Once.I was 7 years old.My mom mama told me make yourself.Some friends or you'll be lonely , okay

November 21, 2024

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