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Mafia Bosses Got Me: The BWWM Dark Romance Collection

  • 👁 2.3K
  • 6.2
  • 💬 0


From the dangerous streets of New York City to the steamy shores of Miami, this trio of mafia standalone stories unites in a single volume to feature three strong-willed black heroines entangled with three powerful mafia bosses. In "Sergei," a merciless Bratva mafia boss holds a black woman's brother for ransom. He's becoming dangerously obsessed with her, leading to a passionate and explosive conflict of interest. And in "Ciara Pt. 1 & 2," a young African American woman faces a choice between her loyalty to her oath to help her family and her conflicted love for the notorious Italian Don.



Review after the novel completion

This was a good novel . I was scared that it wouldn’t end well . Most mob stories never end like this - I haven’t read one yet that has . With mafia boss Wanting better then past bloodline. Ciara deserved this ending- she has so much loss and hard times . They are both bullheaded and meant for each other. Maria stories have started attracting me more and more. This is Definitely a good story and worth reading . We need more endings like this

October 6, 2024

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