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Domineering Billionaire’s Maid

  • 👁 47.9K
  • 9.1
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Warning: Dark and BDSM theme story which involves highly adult content in the beginning. A naive maid who worked for two domineering billionaire brothers was attempting to hide from them because she had heard that if their lustful eyes fell on any woman, they made her their slave and owned her mind, body, and soul. What if she one day came across them? Who would hire her to serve as his personal maid? Who would control her body? Whose heart would she rule? Who would she fall in love with? Who would she despise?



Review after half of the novel

Great novel with a good storyline. I live a good story about a strong and pure woman. And I love how the both try to come to terms with there inner voices and ofcours with eachothers karakter. The brother is hanging like a dank cloud above there heads. You know that hé is going to play a part in this, but it is thrilling to find out when it happens. Can’t wait to continue reading the story to the end.

January 12, 2025

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