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Wife of A Ruthless Mafia Boss

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Jazzie Zamora is a well-known model in the Philippines. She is rich, beautiful, elegant and has many other qualities that you will admire. Everyone believes that she has a perfect life, but little did they know that it was the other way around. Hellish; it is the exact word you can use to describe her life. Being a secret wife of a mafia boss was a dream that turned into a nightmare. Despite of all those shits happening, will she still choose to stay? How much can she put up for her ruthless husband? Love, how long will that exist?


Nikki Baker

Review after the novel completion

I loved this book. I was upset with how her husband treated her the whole time they were married. I may not agree with how he went about keeping his wife safe. I feel if he would hace just told her about everything they would have been happy and had both of their twins. I really don't like how his adopted brother took and fooled his wife and son they way he did that wasn't right to the poor boy. I can say I'm happy they both got their happy ending and are still together and going strong.

December 7, 2024

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