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The Virgin Wife

  • πŸ‘ 13.4K
  • ⭐ 9.2
  • πŸ’¬ 0


In the steamy and captivating story of β€œThe Virgin Wife β€œ Beautiful Eve is left with no choice other than getting married to Jason who is arrogant and has not an iota of respect or love for her. Eve is in need of changing the poor status of her family and Jason needs to secure his company by getting a wife. Their marriage is built on pretence and deceit for the sake of keeping his company and her family's new wealth. However, things change the minute Jason finds out Eve was a virgin the next morning after their first s*x.



Review after the novel completion

Strange beginning but constantly kept me hungry for more, opposites do attract & even with the drama's with psycho Alice they ended up bonding more & more. I loved Max so much & Ethan sounds delicious. Trying to visualize Eve & Jason was difficult at first but I just went with it but Eve's parents were atrocious but Max definitely put them in their place during his wedding. It's really sad for me that there are unsuppoorting greedy & selfish parents & families as the partners their children choose to love is 100'/, their choice xox

March 26, 2024

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