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The Billionaire's Rejected Wife

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  • 9.6
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"What's this?" I timidly asked, my fingers unwilling to hold the documents before me. "You must be blind Evelyn. Divorce papers. Sign them and leave my life now" Marcus angrily snapped, his patience was diminishing every second. I thought of the pregnancy report in my bag and tears streamed down my eyes. * * * * Evelyn thought time and patience was all it needed to make her billionaire husband, Marcus, finally accept her as his and love her. But it all came crashing down when Marcus handed her divorce papers and forced her away for his first love and ex fiancèe, Evelyn's step sister Charlotte. Years later, their paths crosses and Evelyn is with a child. What type of sparks fly when Marcus realises he has always loved Evelyn after her disappearance from his life and when he gets to know that he fathered a child with her?



Review after half of the novel

Nicely written. There is a good foundation presented to give an insight to the book and what it is about. Then as you read further into the book it starts to get juicy. The content is further explored about how the characters have evolved to now. I like how they they intertwine amongst each other. And then the plot twists and the drama among them all. It’s been nice to sit and read and to want to read more as each chapter ends.

January 6, 2025

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