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Legally Bound To The Mafia Boss

  • 👁 12.9K
  • 7.1
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Arielle Marvel's a young woman trying to get off a life of poverty and make a way for herself so that she can leave her home, her normal and boring life is thrown into a rollercoaster of events when she finds out that her step father sold her off to the ruthless mafia boss Luciano Siegel to pay off his debt without informing her. she would do everything to pay off the debt and regain her freedom again, but then Luciano wanted her services but not in the way she had thought, he wanted to own her and what he wants he gets!



Review after the novel completion

Omg !!! I love this book so much! It definitely has a great story line which will keep you hooked! The author did such an amazing job with the characters and chapters. I definitely recommend this book. It’s such a great read. I honestly lost sleep reading this book. This book has set the standards high for all other books i read on this app. Kudos to the author for writing a captivating book. Definitely look forward to reading more of this authors books.

April 20, 2024

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