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His Unquenchable Obsession

  • 👁 12K
  • 7.5
  • 💬 0


Life has never been easy for June Hailey. From a young age, she's carried the weight of raising her siblings, taking on various menial jobs including exotic dancing. She's barely staying afloat as it is, the last thing she needs is Ollie Kane. A cocky, charming bored-to-death billionaire who has made her his object of fascination. She knows all too well what men like Ollie want from her and she vows to never be another conquest to him. But when circumstances force her into his arms, she finds herself playing his dangerous game. Their arrangement is simple: s*x, nothing more. Easy, right? Wrong.



Review after the novel completion

This book definitly has it's moments where your on the edge of your seat & a few moments that will leave you in complete shock or dismay. Its definitly worth the read tho. The only thing negative I have to say would by I thought that the ending could have been better then it was. It ended kinda if blan & in a way left you hanging wanting more. Overall it was a great read & I loved the book as a whole.

January 5, 2024

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